Live chat for your site

One of the cornerstones in a world of instant-feedback communications is LIVE, in-application chat. Sure, it’s been around for years. But not everyone uses it. And if a site does, is it well implemented? Suit visitor’s needs? And is it measurable? Having just gone through the process of setting up another install I thought I should finally…


Quick WIX review

Don’t nix WIX, but could use a fix (or two) I had to measure up the offering of free website builder, as I see my Facebook experience inundated with ads for WIX. Didn’t realized I actually had an account from last year :s. So decided to finish the publish process of test content. The…


Project Moosegoose

Project MooseGoose takes flight

The official launch of Project MooseGoose! Currently this is a native Android game that is being developed in native Java code. Publish & testing has begun on the alpha application. More news to follow. logo-moosegoose-pre-300